DB-Workshops & Presentations
We are glad to support our customers in the “further processing” of their DB-data with a presentation the results or workshop (depending on the desired data breadth and depth). This always includes further analyses and considerations of specific partial aspects selected by you as well as results from supplementary partial studies or special evaluations in order to be able to incorporate further findings into the interpretation.
Please feel free to contact us at any time, if you would like to have support in analysing, interpreting or communicating your destination-specific results.
Below is an overview of the services we offer in the area of DB workshops & presentations:
DESTINATION BRAND 21-Topic-Target Group Linkage Analysis (feasible for German Destinations from April 2022)
Which holiday themes are core, profiling and boosting themes for your destination? For which of your target groups are which themes and combinations of themes suitable in the corresponding source markets and which topic(theme)-target group links have the highest potential per source market?
We carry out a very extensive in-depth analysis of the existing DESTINATION-BRAND 21-data for you, in particular on the theme competence of your destination (in comparison to the competition) as well as on the general interest of the respective source market in various holiday activities. The underlying analysis procedure was developed by our cooperation partner, the German Institute for Tourism Research of the West Coast University of Applied Sciences, in 2010.
As a result of the preparatory in-depth analysis, you will receive recommendations for action for strategic marketing specifically for your destination, including a topic prioritisation as well as your potentials for addressing topics according to target groups and source markets up to approaches for product developments and sales activities. The central core results are summarised in descriptive potential matrices in a report.
Additionally bookable: In the supplementary half-day workshop we discuss with you which topic(theme)-target group combinations have the greatest potential. In addition, we compare the demand-side perception of your destination brand measured with DESTINATION BRAND as a supplementary basis for interpretation with the supply side (e.g. your previous and future strategies, goals and offers) in order to be able to make concrete derivations and interpretations together with you on this basis.
For more information on this workshop, please contact Ellen Böhlingat any time: Tel.: +49 (0)40 414 3887 412 I E-Mail: ellen.boehling@inspektour.de
This workshop is not only for participants of DB21, but also for participants of the predecessor study DB18.
Note: The possibilities for carrying out the DB21 and DB18 potential workshop are largely based on the level of awareness your destination has achieved and the number of competitor destinations surveyed in the respective source market. If you are interested, we would be happy to find out for you to what extent the necessary destination and source market-related prerequisites for the implementation of this workshop are guaranteed for your destination brand.
DESTINATION BRAND-Potential-Workshop "Brand Value of Tourist Destinations"
Identify, evaluate and use brand value potentials
Based on the DESTINATION BRAND 18 and 20 data already available for your destination, we identify your previously untapped destination-specific potential in a half-day workshop (possible as an online or on-site event).
Beginning with an introductory presentation of the core results on the brand value of your destination as well as a theoretical introduction to the potential analysis, previously unused potentials are then highlighted and evaluated at various levels along the four-dimensional brand funnel. Here, the focus is placed on the ” non-supporters” and the “non-future-visitors”, among others. These important subgroups for the activation of previously unused potentials are described in more detail and the following central questions are answered:
- What are the defining socio-demographic characteristics of these population groups that you have not yet been able to win over?
- What holiday activities are they interested in?
- And what holiday attitudes or preferences are characteristic of these groups
For a supplementary classification, these population groups, which currently still embody dormant potential for your destination, are compared with the already existing “supporters” and “future-visitors” for your tourist destination.
Precisely oriented towards the individual conditions and strategic objectives of your destination, we will then work out joint recommendations for action to exploit the full potential, which will empower your marketing and sales strategies.
For more information about this workshop, please contactEllen Böhling at any time: Tel.: +49 (40) 414 3887 412 I E-Mail: ellen.boehling@inspektour.de
This workshop is not only for participants of DB20, but also for participants of the predecessor study DB18.
DESTINATION BRAND-Potential-Workshop "Self-Image vs. External Image of your Destination Brand"
Destination-specific image analysis based on spontaneous associations
The basis for the implementation of the image analysis workshop and the corresponding comparison between the expected, desired and actual external image of your tourist destination is formed by the destination-specific results for the spontaneous associations, determined within the framework of DESTINATION BRAND 19.
The demand-side perception of your destination evaluated here reflects the actual external image, based on “all respondents”, for the subgroups “brand connoisseurs” and “visitors in the past” as well as for your individual target groups.
In addition to the actual external image already determined via DESTINATION BRAND 19 the next step is to collect the self-image and the expected and desired external image of your tourist destination from the responsible representatives and tourism marketers. This is followed by a comparison of the results of all dimensions representing an essential basis for interpretation.
Optionally, an assessment of the local population of your destination regarding their self-image (as well as the expected and desired external image, if required) can be determined either by means of a workshop with a focus group or within the framework of a population survey.
This is followed by a comparison of the degree of compatibility between the self-image and the expected and desired external image (from the survey of the representatives / tourist marketers and optionally the local population) with the actual external image (from the DB19 survey).
The commonalities and differences between these central perceptual perspectives derived from this will form an essential basis of interpretation for the subsequent half-day workshop (date to be defined with the start of the project).
For more information about this workshop, please contact Ellen Böhling at any time: Tel.: +49 (40) 414 3887 412 I E-Mail: ellen.boehling@inspektour.de
This workshop can be offered to participants of DB19.
DESTINATION BRAND-Results Presentation
Understand and interpret core results correctly
Would you like assistance in correctly reading and understanding the DB results in your report as well as for initial interpretations? You would like to present the core results on your destination to your marketing advisory board, supervisory board or your team?
We would be more than happy to summarise your destination-specific core results and present them within the framework of 45-60 minutes in front of a plenum of your choice. An initial data interpretation and a subsequent discussion are included.
In addition, results from other DB sub-studies can be included in a presentation in order to be able to incorporate further findings into the interpretation.
For more detailed information about our results presentations, please contact Ellen Böhling at any time: Tel.: +49 (40) 414 3887 412 I E-Mail: ellen.boehling@inspektour.de
This results presentation of can be offered for DB21 participants (from April 2022), but also for participants of the predecessor studies, especially DB20 at any time.


Reassessment of foreign source markets for the destination Baden-Württemberg