DB-Brandanalyses & -Management Concepts
By comparing the survey results from up to three sub-studies of the Destination Brand study series (actual state of the external perception of the destination brand) with the self-assessments of the destination managers (actual state of the internal perceptionof the destination brand) or with their expectations and wishes regarding the external image on the demand side (expected actual state and desired target state of the external perception of the destination brand) we can generate decision-relevant key figures (e.g. degree of expectation or wish fulfilment) for destination brand management.
inspektour thus meets the need for multidimensional measurement of the brand image (via awareness, theme competences and profiling characteristics of the destination brands), to holistically determine the brand impact on external target groups as well as the need to include several relevant destination-internal stakeholder groups (including the service providers, the local population as well as representatives of the public sector) in the context of measuring and evaluating the brand identity.
At best, the results of this measurement of the internal and external destination brand value are embedded in a superordinate indicator-based information and control system of the destination management in order to be able to align the destination brand controlling in a target- and demand-oriented way.
Have we aroused your interest? Would you like to compare the external image of your destination brand with the self-image? Are you thinking about a key performance indicator system and / or brand management concept? Kindly feel free to contact us at any time.