DESTINATION BRAND 21 Webinar handouts
DESTINATION BRAND 21: First results
DESTINATION BRAND 21 Business: First results (German)
DESTINATION BRAND 21: City tourism in the second year of the coronavirus pandemic
DESTINATION BRAND 21: The theme competence of Austrian destinations (German)
DESTINATION BRAND 21: La competencia temática de los destinos españoles
DESTINATION BRAND 21: La compétence thématique des destinations françaises
DESTINATION BRAND 21: The theme competence of coastal destinations and lakelands (German)
DESTINATION BRAND 21: The theme competence of low mountain ranges and Alpine regions (German)
DESTINATION BRAND 20 Webinar handouts
DESTINATION BRAND 20: First results (German)
DESTINATION BRAND 20: Perception of city travel destinations in times of Covid-19
DESTINATION BRAND 20: Perception of US American destinations in Europe in times of Covid-19
DESTINATION BRAND 20: Perception des destinations françaises en période de Covid-19
DESTINATION BRAND 20: Perceptions of coastal destinations in times of Covid-19 (German)
DESTINATION BRAND 20: Perception of low mountain and alpine regions in times of Covid-19 (German)