Our Webinars: Register now for free!
We cordially invite you to participate in this year’s Destination Brand 21 webinars. These are currently scheduled until the end of April, with more to follow from May onwards on individual source markets such as Spain, France, USA etc. – so it’s worth checking back here from time to time.
Our DB21 webinars are free of charge – the registration links below will also provide you with further information on the content of the individual webinars:
03.03.2022 I 10 a.m. (CET) “Presentation of selected key results from foreign source markets”
Presentation language: English
17.03.2022 I 10 a.m. (CET) “Präsentation erster ausgewählter Ergebnisse für Geschäftsreiseziele“
Presentation language: German
22.03.2022 I 10 a.m. (CET) “City tourism in the second year of the coronavirus pandemic”
Presentation language: English
29.03.2022 I 10 a.m (CET) „Die Themenkompetenz österreichischer Reiseziele im DACH-Raum“
Presentation language: German
21.04.2022 I 10 a.m. (CET) „Die Themenkompetenz von Mittelgebirgen und Alpenregionen“
Presentation language: German
28.04.2022 I 10 a.m. (CET) „Die Themenkompetenz von Küstenreisezielen“
Presentation language: German
We look forward to your participation!