DB20 webinar for more than 40 representatives of French destinations
Franziska Baum and Ellen Böhling from inspektour presented selected results of the Destination Brand 20 study in the course of the webinar “Perception of French destinations in times of Covid-19” on 20.04.21. More than forty representatives of destination management organizations from France (including Auvergne Rhone Alpes, Alsace, Marseille, Val de Loire, Bourgogne, Somme, Bretagne, Paris or Nice) participated in the webinar.
As part of Destination Brand 20, population-representative online surveys were conducted by inspektour (international), in cooperation with DITF at FH Westküste, in ten key outgoing markets from October to December 2020, assessing, among other things, unsupported awareness of French destinations and the influence of Covid-19 on willingness to visit.
In addition, general conditions for French destinations such as the general interest in different vacation activities (culinary, hiking, bathing / beach, or lively “scene”) or the short- and medium-term travel plans in European source markets were evaluated. You can download the handout for the webinar with the core results for French destinations here.
If you have any questions, Franziska Baum (franziska.baum@inspektour.de) and Ellen Böhling (ellen.boehling@inspektur.de) will be happy to answer them.